Thursday, April 12, 2012

Build Your Own Electric Guitar

Build Your Own Electric Guitar

Come costruire chitarre elettriche riutilizzando e assemblando materiali scartati?
Le materie prime necessarie sono davvero semplici da reperire in qualsiasi negozio di musica, o addirittura smontando pickup di vecchie chitarre in disuso.

Qui il tutorial.

Dalla fonte originale:

Have you ever looked at a guitar and wondered, "How do they make that?" Or thought to yourself, "I bet that I could build my own guitar," but never actually tried it? I have built several electric guitars over the years and through trial and error have learned many helpful tips that anyone who might want to tackle this sort of project needs to know before starting out. This kind of thing does require some wood working skill and also requires some specific tools as well but not all the fancy stuff that a guitar manufacture has. Building an electric guitar is time consuming and requires the completion of several steps before your project gets finished but be patient and you'll be happy with the results. I tend to go into detail so as not skip any steps or tips you need along the way, and use pics from other projects that I did as well so you can get more that on reference. If you set out to make a guitar you'll find that it takes quite a bit of time so you'll have time enough to go back and read other info if you just want to skim through the first go round. So I hope this helps all the future guitar builders out there!

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